Bible Study

A weekly class where we study the Bible as our foundational text to help us live lives of Meaning, Being, and Purpose.

Soul Sessions EventBrite Green Color

Soul Sessions: A Revolutionary Bible Study is co-taught and facilitated by our Senior Pastor Dr. Daymond Glenn and Theologian Dr. Jess Bielman.

Over the next few months, our Bible Study themes will center on PurposeHope, and Love. Even if you don't subscribe to an organized or institutional form of religion, our themes will still have relevance and help you live a life of Meaning, Being, and Purpose. And for us, that is Revolutionary!

Reedwood Friends Church
2901 SE Steele St.
Portland, OR 97202
"Free to Attend"

Upcoming Bible Study Dates:

Tuesday, July 16th, 2024 — Register to Attend
Tuesday, July 23, 2024 — Register to Attend
Tuesday, August 6, 2024 — Register to Attend
Tuesday, August 20, 2024 — Register to Attend

Stay up-to-date on what’s coming next

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© 2024 The Cultural Soul Project

Portland, Oregon