The Prophetic Gospel of Christ

Theological: Grounded in The Prophetic Gospel of Christ

The Cultural Soul Project is grounded in The Prophetic Gospel of Christ. This means we engage in a Prophetic witness that speaks truth to power, we allow suffering to speak and to reshape the agenda of those in power, and we center the Prophetic voices of People who have been shaped by life on the margins (i.e., “the least of these”) by making their plight and predicament fundamental to, and a central focus of, the gospel.

The Cultural Soul Project brings forth a lens of visibility to “the circumstances under which tragic People struggle,”1 and our critique on society moves beyond individual suffering and is also concerned about how systems and structures in our society produce and reinforce “social misery.”2 As such, we address the current reality, situation, predicament, and contemporary moment in terms of what it can and should be, as opposed to only allowing the present context to dictate or inform our actions or responses to it.

The Cultural Soul Project believes The Prophetic Gospel of Christ is about transforming the soul through the power of the Holy Spirit and leading a life of purpose by following the teachings, principles, and actions of Jesus Christ.

1 Cornel West, Black Prophetic Fire
2 J. Kameron Carter, Post Racial Blues

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© 2025 The Cultural Soul Project

Portland, Oregon